The Evolution of Privacy Regulations – an @AIIM1Canadian seminar

SeshatAIIM Toronto runs some great morning seminars every month or so, and today the guest is Else Khoury of Seshat Information Consulting to talk about privacy regulations. In the face of recent privacy gaffes from the Facebook fiasco (the breach that wasn’t a breach) to Alphabet Labs not thinking about where public data that they collect in Toronto will be stored (hello, data sovereignty), and with the upcoming GDPR regulations, privacy is hot right now. Khoury, who brightened our day by telling us that her company is named after the Egyptian goddess of recordkeeping, covered both Canadian and EU privacy frameworks.

In Canada, we’ve had the Privacy Act since 1983, which governs federal government offices and how they handle data about employees and citizens, including Freedom of Information. PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act) came in 2000, setting rules for how private organizations handle personal information. As technology evolved, the Digital Privacy Act of 2015 made major amendments to PIPEDA regarding mandatory breach reporting and recordkeeping. Khoury briefly covered FIPPA (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act) and MFIPPA, which apply the same sort of regulations as the Privacy Act but for provincial and municipal governments. PHIPA (Personal Health Information Protection Act) protects our health-related information across all types of health care providers, and was updated quite recently to state that “use” includes viewing information after a few cases of nosy health care workers who looked up records on people who they shouldn’t have. There is (or soon will be) mandatory reporting of PHIPA breaches in most provinces, including reporting to the regulatory colleges for different types of health care workers. There is also a privacy framework for electronic health records (EHR) under new revisions to PHIPA.

There are analogous privacy regulations in many other countries; for example, the US HIPAA serves the same purpose as our PHIPA, while GDPR is a broader regulation that will cover data across all organizations rather than our division by private and public sector.

There was a good discussion on security versus privacy: security is often focused on keeping external parties out, whereas privacy has to do with how people handle data inside an organization, although these are often intertwined issues. Of course, it’s possible to have a privacy breach (e.g., inappropriate internal access) without a security breach and vice versa. Khoury pointed out that a lot of privacy regulations have to do with processes; in my experience, compliance regulations in general are very process-driven, and the best way to both avoid privacy breaches as well as prove that you have safeguards in place is to implement and audit processes around how data is handled.

She moved on to GDPR, which comes into effect in the EU in May of this year; GDPR covers all personal data of EU residents, since often the combination of data from multiple sources can be used to identify individuals even when a specific identifier (such as name) is not present. As with the 10 privacy principles in Canadian privacy regulations, GDPR has a set of key principles, and uses the concept of Privacy by Design that was co-developed by Ontario’s privacy commissioner. GDPR has specific rules around data retention, specifically not keeping data longer than is required, then securely destroying it. This led to a really interesting discussion of how companies that provide recommendations handle retention of historical data about your interactions with them, such as Netflix or Amazon: will we need to explicitly give them permission to keep information about our past purchases/consumption in order for them to give us better recommendations? GDPR will forever shift data permissions from opt-out to opt-in for Europeans, although that has been creeping up on us for a while.

One of the most talked-about GDPR principles is the right to be forgotten — Google has already received millions of take-down requests under that part of the regulation — although it doesn’t apply to most health care data since that is required to provide proper medical care to an individual. They also have breach reporting regulations similar to Canada’s PIPEDA requirements, and pretty significant penalties if a breach occurs or an organizations can be proven to be non-compliant.

She finished up with a discussion of how privacy regulation changes are likely to impact organizations, and how to operationalize privacy regulations, which depends on the type of data you handled (PI versus PHI), how you interact with it (processing versus controlling), and if you have a privacy management program in place. You’ll need to assess your holdings — what data you collect, how it’s used, who has access, how long it is retained, how it to secured and destroyed — and develop a privacy management team that includes involvement of senior management and every department, not just a data privacy officer (DPO). You’ll need to develop a privacy management program that includes a breach response process, ensure that everyone is trained in privacy management, then audit and adapt it over time. If you’re subject to the GDPR, then you’ll also need processes for expunging data from your systems due to “right to be forgotten” requests in a timely fashion.

You’ll also need to develop a framework for data protection impact assessments (DPIA, aka privacy impact assessments or PIA) which is a proactive risk assessment for new programs or systems that use personal data: interestingly, the first part of this is often mapping the information flow processes that cover collection, storage and access. Performing DPIA/PIA is part of what Khoury’s company does for organizations, and she had a good checklist of the steps involved, as well as pointing out that they should be a regular part of your privacy management program, not something that’s just done at the end as an audit step.

As always, great content at the AIIM Toronto morning seminars, and I look forward to the next one.

Cloud ECM with @l_elwood @OpenText at AIIM Toronto Chapter

Lynn Elwood, VP of Cloud and Services Solutions at OpenText, presented on managing information in a cloud world at today’s AIIM chapter meeting in Toronto. This is of particular interest to Canadians, since most of the cloud service offerings that we see are in the US, and many companies are not comfortable with keeping their private data in a jurisdiction where it can be somewhat easily exposed to foreign government and intelligence agencies.

She used a building analogy to talk about cloud services:

  • Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is like a piece of serviced land on which you need to build your own building and worry about your connections to services. If your water or electricity is off, you likely need to debug the problem yourself although if you find that the problem is with the underlying services, you can go back to the service provider.
  • Platform as a service (PaaS) is like a mobile home park, where you are responsible for your own dwelling but not for the services, and there are shared services used by all residents.
  • Software as a service (SaaS) is like a condo building, where you own your own part of it, but it’s within a shared environment. SaaS by Gartner’s definition is multi-tenant, and that’s the analogy: you are at the whim, to a certain extent, of the building management in terms of service availability, but at a greatly reduced cost.
  • Dedicated, hosted or managed is like a private house on serviced land, where everything in the house is up to you to maintain. In this set of analogies, not sure that there is a lot of distinction between this and IaaS.
  • On-premises is like a cottage, where you probably need to deal with a lot of the services yourself, such as water and septic systems. You can bring in someone to help, but it’s ultimately all your responsibility.
  • Hybrid is a combo of things — cloud to cloud, cloud to on-premise — such as owning a condo and driving to a cottage, where you have different levels of service at each location but they share information.
  • Managed services is like having a property manager, although it can be cloud or on-premise, to augment your own efforts (or that of your staff).

Regardless of the platform, anything that touches the cloud is going to have a security consideration as well as performance/up-time SLAs if you want to consider it as part of your core business. From my experience, on-premise solutions can be just as insecure and unstable as any cloud offering, so good to know what you’re comparing with when you are looking at cloud versus on-premise.

Most organziations require that their cloud provider have some level of certification: of the facility (data centre), platform (infrastructure) and service (application). Elwood talked about the cloud standards that impact these, including ISO 27001, and SOC 1, 2 and 3.

A big concern is around applications in the cloud, namely SaaS such as Box or Salesforce. Although IT will be focused on whether the security of that application can be breached, business and information managers need to be concerned about what type of data is being stored in those applications and whether it potentially violates any privacy regulations. Take a good look at those SaaS EULAs — Elwood took us through some Apple and Google examples — and have your lawyers look at them as well if you’re deploying these solutions within the enterprise. You also need to look at data residency requirements (as I mentioned at the start): where the data resides, the sovereignty of the hosting company, the routing between you and the data even if the data resides in your own country, and the backup policies of the hosting company. The US Patriot Act allows the US government to access any data that passes through, is stored in, or is hosted by a company that is domiciled in the US; other countries are also adding similar laws. Although a company may have a data centre in your country, if they’re a US company, they probably have a default to store/process/backup in the US: check our the Microsoft hosting and data processing agreement, for example, which specifies that your data will be hosted and/or processed in the US unless you explicitly request otherwise. There’s an additional issue that even if your data has the appropriate residency, if an employee is travelling to a restricted country and accesses the data remotely, you may be violating privacy regulations; not all applications have the ability to filter otherwise authenticated access based on IP address. If you add this to the ability of foreign governments to demand device passwords in order to enter a country, the information accessible via an employee’s computer — not just the information stored it — is at risk for exposure.

Elwood showed a map of the information governance laws and regulations around the world, and it’s a horrifying mix of acronyms for data protection and privacy rules, regulated records retention, eDiscovery requirements, information integrity and authenticity, and reporting obligations. There’s a new EU regulation — the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) — that is going to be a game-changer, harmonizing laws across all 28 member nations and applying to any data collected about an EU citizen even outside the EU. The GDPR includes increased consent standards, stronger individual data rights, stronger breach notification, increased governance obligation, stronger recordkeeping requirements, and data transfer constraints. Interestingly, Canada is recognized as one of the countries that is deemed to have “adequate protection” for data transfer, along with Andorra, Argentina, the Faroe Islands, the Channel Islands (Guernsey and Jersey), Isle of Man, Israel, New Zealand, Switzerland and Uruguay. In my opinion, many companies aren’t even aware of the GDPR, much less complying with it, and this is going to be a big wake-up call. Your compliance teams need to be aware of the global landscape as it impacts your data usage and applications, whether in the cloud or on premise; companies can receive huge fines (up to 4% of annual revenue) for violating GDPR whether they are the “owner” of the data or just a data processor/host.

OpenText has a lot of GDPR information on their website that is not specific to their products if you want to read more. 

There are a lot of benefits to cloud when it comes to information management, and a lot of things to consider: agility to grow and change quickly; a services approach that requires partnering with the service provider; mobility capabilities offered by cloud platforms that may not be available for on premise; and analytics offered by cloud vendors within and across applications.

She finished up with a discussion on the top areas of concerns for the attendees: security, regulations, GDPR, data sovereignty, consumer applications, and others. Great discussion amongst the attendees, many of whom work in the Canadian financial services industry: as expected, the biggest concerns are about data residency and sovereignty. GDPR is seen as having the potential to level the regulatory playing field by making everyone comply; once the data centres and service providers start to comply, it will be much easier for most organizations to outsource that piece of their compliance by moving to cloud services. I think that cloud service providers are already doing a better job at security and availability than most on-premise systems, so once they crack the data residency and sovereignty problem there is little reason to have a private data centre. IT’s concern has mostly been around security and availability, but now is the time for information and compliance managers to get involved to ensure that privacy regulations are supported by these platforms.

There are Canadian companies using cloud services, even the big banks and government, although I am guessing that it’s for peripheral rather than core services. Although some are doing this “accidentally” as the only way to share information with external participants, it’s likely time for many companies to revisit their information management strategies to see if they can be more inclusive of property vetted cloud solutions.

We did get a very brief review of OpenText and their offerings at the end, including their software solutions and their EIM cloud offerings under the OpenText Cloud banner. They are holding their Enterprise World user conference in Toronto this July, which is the first (but likely not the last) big software company to see the benefits of a non-US North American conference location.

AIIM breakfast meeting on Feb 16: digital transformation and intelligent capture

AIIM TorontoI’m speaking at the AIIM breakfast meeting in Toronto on February 16, with an updated version of the presentation that I gave at the ABBYY conference in November on digital transformation and intelligent capture. ABBYY is generously sponsoring this meeting and will give a brief presentation/demo on their intelligent capture and text analytics products after my presentation.

Here’s the description of my talk:

This presentation will look at how digital transformation is increasing the value of capture and text analytics, recognizing that these technologies provide an “on ramp” to the intelligent, automated processes that underlie digital transformation. Using examples from financial services and retail companies, we will examine the key attributes of this digital transformation. We will review step-by-step, the role of intelligent capture in digital transformation, showing how a customer-facing financial services process is changed by intelligent capture technologies. We will finish with a discussion of the challenges of introducing intelligent capture technologies as part of a digital transformation initiative.

You can register to attend here, and there’s a discount if you’re an AIIM member.

You can read about last month’s meeting here, which featured Jason Bero of Microsoft talking about SharePoint and related Microsoft technologies that are used for classification, preservation, protection and disposal of information assets.

AIIM Toronto seminar: @jasonbero on Microsoft’s ECM

I’ve recently rejoined AIIM — I was a member years ago when I did a lot of document capture and workflow implementation projects, but drifted away as I became more focused on process — and decided to check out this month’s breakfast seminar hosted by the AIIM Toronto chapter. Today’s presenter was Jason Bero from Microsoft Canada, who is a certified records manager and information governance specialist, talking about SharePoint and related Microsoft technologies that are used for classification, preservation, protection and disposal of information assets.

He started out with AIIM’s view of the stages of information management (following diagram found online but almost certainly copyright AIIM) as a framework for describing where SharePoint fits in and their new functionality:

There’s a shift happening in information management, since a lot of information is now created natively in electronic form, may be generated by customers and employees using mobile apps, and even stored outside the corporate firewaall on cloud ECM platforms. This creates challenges in authentication and security, content privacy protection, automatic content classification, and content federation across platforms. Microsoft is adding data loss prevention (DLP) and records management capabilities to SharePoint to meet some of these challenges, including:

  • Compliance Policy Center
  • DLP policies and management
  • Policy notification messages
  • Document deletion policies
  • Enhanced retention and disposition policies for working documents
  • Document- and records-centric workflow with a web-based workflow design tool
  • Advanced e-discovery for unstructured documents, including identifying relevant relationships between documents
  • Advanced auditing, including SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business as well as on-premise repositories
  • Data governance: somewhat controversially (at my table of breakfast colleagues, anyway), this replaces the use of metadata fields with a new “tags” concept
  • Rights management on documents that can be applied to both internal and external viewers of a document

AIIM describes an information classification and protection cycle: classification, labeling, encryption, access control, policy enforcement, document tracking, and document revocation; Bero described how SharePoint addresses these requirements, with particular attention paid to Canadian concerns for the local audience, such as encryption keys. I haven’t looked at SharePoint in quite a while (and I’m not really much of an ECM expert any more), but it looks like lots of functionality that boosts SharePoint into a more complete ECM and RM solution. This muscles in on some of the territory of their ISV partners who have provided these capabilities as SharePoint add-ons, although I imagine that a lot of Microsoft customers are lingering on ancient versions of SharePoint and will still be using those third-party add-ons for a while. In organizations that are pure Microsoft however, the ways that they can integrate their ECM/RM capabilites across all of their information creation, management and collaboration tools — from Office 365 to Skype For Business — provides a seamless environment for protecting and managing information.

He gave a live demo of some of these capabilites at work, showing how the PowerPoint presentation that he used would be automatically classified, shared, protected and managed based on its content and metadata, and the additional manual overrides that can be applied such as emailing him when an internal or external collaborator opens the document. Documents sent to external participants are accompanied by Microsoft Rights Management, providing the ability to see when and where people open the document, limiting or allowing downloads and printing, and allowing the originator to revoke access to the document. [Apparently, it’s now highly discouraged to send emails with attachments within Microsoft, which is a bit ironic considering that bloated Outlook pst files due to email attachments is the scourge of many IT departments.] Some of their rights management can be applied to non-Microsoft repositories such as Box, although this required a third-party add-on.

There was a question about synchronous collaborative editing of documents: you can now do this with shared Office documents using a combination of the desktop applications and browser apps, such that you see other people’s changes in the documents in real time while you’re editing it (like Google Docs), without requiring explicit check-out/check-in. I assume that this requires that the document is stored in a Microsoft repository, either on-premise or cloud, but that’s still an impressive upgrade.

One of the goals in this foray by Microsoft into more advanced ECM is to provide capabilities that are automated as much as possible, and generally easy-to-use for anything requiring manual input. This allows records management to happen on the fly by everyday users, rather than requiring a lot of intervention by trained records management people or complex custom workflows, and to have DLP policies applied directly within the tools that people are already using for creating, managing and sharing documents. Given the dominance of Microsoft on the desktop of today’s businesses, and the proliferation of SharePoint, a good way to improve compliance with better control over information assets.

AIIM Toronto seminar: FNF Canada’s data capture success

Following John Mancini’s keynote, we heard from two of the sponsors, SourceHOV and ABBYY. Pam Davis of SourceHOV spoke about EIM/ECM market trends, based primarily on analyst reports and surveys, before giving an overview of their BoxOffice product.

ABBYY chose to give their speaking slot to a customer, Anjum Iqbal of FNF Canada, who spoke about their capture and ECM projects. FNF provides services to financial institutions in a variety of lending areas, and deals with a lot of faxed documents. A new business line would have their volume move to 4,500 inbound faxes daily, mostly time-sensitive documents, such as mortgage or loan closing, that need to be processed within an hour of receipt. To do this manually, they would have needed to increase their 4 full time staff to 10 people handle the inbound workflow even at a rate of 1 document/minute; instead, they used ABBYY FlexiCapture to build a capture solution for the faxes that would extract the data using OCR, and interface with their downstream content and workflow systems without human intervention. The presentation went by pretty quickly, but we learned that they had a 3-month implementation time.

I stayed on for the roundtable that ABBYY hosted, with Iqbal giving more details on their implementation. They reached a tipping point when the volume of inbound printed faxes just couldn’t be handled manually, particularly when they added some new business lines that would increase their volume significantly. Unfortunately, the processes involving the banks were stuck on fax technology — that is, the banks refused to move to electronic transfer rather than faxes — so they needed to work with that fixed constraint. They needed quality data with near-zero error rates extracted from the faxes, and selected ABBYY and one of their partners to help build a solution that took advantage of standard form formats and 100% machine printing on the forms (rather than handwriting). The forms weren’t strictly fixed format, in that some critical information such as mortgage rates may be in different places on the document depending on the other content of the form; this requires a more intelligent document classification as well as content analytics to extract the information. They have more than 40 templates that cover all of their use cases, although still need to have one person in the process to manage any exceptions where the recognition certainty was below a certain percentage. Given the generally poor quality of faxed documents, undoubtedly this capture process could also handle documents scanned on a standard business scanner or even a mobile device in addition to their current RightFax server. Once the data is captured, it’s formatted as XML, which their internal development team then used to integrate with the downstream processes, while the original faxes are stored in a content management system.

Given that these processes accept mortgage/loan application forms and produce the loan documents and other related documentation, this entire business seems ripe for disruption, although given the glacial pace of technology adoption in Canadian financial services, this could be some time off. With the flexible handling of inbound documents that they’ve created, FNF Canada will be ready for it when it happens.

That’s it for me at the AIIM Toronto seminar; I had to duck out early and missed the two other short sponsor presentations by SystemWare and Lexmark/Kofax, as well as lunch and the closing keynote. Definitely worth catching up with some of the local people in the industry as well as hearing the customer case studies.

AIIM Toronto keynote with @jmancini77

I’m at the AIIM Toronto seminar today — I pretty much attend anything that is in my backyard and looks interesting — and John Mancini of AIIM is opening the day with a talk on business processes. Yes, Mr. Column 1 is talking about Column 2, if you get the Zachman reference. This is actually pretty significant: content management isn’t just about content, just as process management isn’t just about process, but both need to overlap and work together. I had a call with Mancini yesterday in advance of my keynote at ABBYY’s conference next month, and we spent 30 minutes talking about how disruption in capture technologies has changed all business processes. Today, in his keynote, he talked about disruptive business processes that have transformed many industries.

John Mancini at AIIM TorontoHe gave us a look at people, process and technology against the rise (and sometimes fall) of different technology platforms: document management and workflow; enterprise content management; mobile and cloud. There are a lot of issues as we move from one type of platform to another: moving to a cloud SaaS offering, for example, drives the move from perimeter-based security to asset-based security. He showed a case study for financial processes within organizations — such as accounts payable and receivable — with both a tactical dimention of getting things done and a strategic side of building a bridge to digital transformation. Most businesses (especially traditional ones) operate at a slim profit margin, making it necessary to look at ways to reduce costs: not through small, incremental improvements, but through more transformational means. For financial processes, in many cases this means getting rid of manual data capture and manipulation: no more manual data entry, no more analysis via spreadsheets. And cost reduction isn’t the key driver behind transforming financial business processes any more: it’s the need for better business analytics. Done right, these analytics provide real-time insight into your business that provide a strategic competitive differentiator: the ability to predict and react to changing business conditions.

Mancini finished by allowing today’s sponsors, with booths around the room, to introduce themselves: Precision ContentAIIMBox, Panasonic, SystemWareABBYY, SourceHOV, and Lexmark (Kofax). I’ll be here for the rest of the morning, and look forward to hearing from some of the sponsors and their customers here today.

Join the AIIM paper-free pledge

Pledge_badge1AIIM recently posted about the World Paper-Free Day on November 6th, and although I’m not sure that it’s recognized as a national holiday or anything, it’s certainly a good idea. I blogged almost three years ago about my mostly paperless office, and how to achieve such a thing yourself. Since that time, I’ve added an Epson DS-510 scanner, which has a nice small footprint and a sheet feeder; it sits right on my desk and there is never a backlog of scanning.

It’s not just about scanning and shredding, although those are pretty important activities: you have to have a proper retention plan that adheres to any regulatory requirements, and a secure offsite (cloud or otherwise) backup capability to ameliorate any physical site disasters.

You also need to consider how much backfile conversion that you’ll do: I decided to back-scan everything except my financial records at the time that I started going completely paperless, then scan everything including financials from that date forward. Each year, another batch of old paper financial records reached their destruction date and were shredded, the last of them just last year, and I no longer have any paper files. If back-scanning is too time-consuming for you but you want to start scanning everything day-forward, then store your old paper files by destruction date so that you can easily shred the batch of expired files each year until there are none left.

These things – scanning, document destruction, retention plan, secure backup, backfile conversion – are the same things that I’ve dealt with at large enterprise customers in the past on ECM projects, just on a small-office scale.

AIIM Information Chaos Rescue Mission – Toronto Edition

AIIM is holding a series of ECM-related seminars across North America, and since today’s is practically in my back yard, I decided to check it out. It’s a free seminar so heavily sponsored; most of the talks are from the sponsor vendors or conversations with them, but John Mancini kicked things off and moderated mini-panels with the sponsor speakers to tease out some of the common threads.

The morning started with John Mancini talking about disruptive consumer technologies — cloud, mobile, IoT — and how these are “breaking” our internal business processes by fragmenting the channels and information sources. The result is information chaos, where information about a client lives in multiple places and often can’t be properly aggregated and contextualized, while still remaining secure. Our legacy systems, designed to be secure, were put in place before the devices that are causing security leaks were even invented; those older systems can’t even envision all the ways that information can leak out of an organization. Furthermore, the more consumer technologies advance, the further behind our IT people seem, making it more likely that business users will just go outside/around IT for what they need. New technologies need to be put in the context of our information management practices, and those practices adjusted to include the disruptors, rather than just ignore them: consider how to minimize risk in this information chaos state;  how to use information to engage and collaborate, rather than just shutting it away in a vault; how to automate processes that involve information that may not be stored in an ECM; and how to extract insights from this information.

A speaker from Fujitsu was up next, stating some interesting statistics on just how big the information chaos problem is:

  • 50% of business documents are still on paper; most businesses have many of their processes still reliant on paper.
  • Departmental CM systems have proliferated: 75% of organizations with a CM system have more than one, and 25% have more than four. SharePoint is like a virus among them, with an estimated 50% of organizations worldwide using SharePoint ostensibly for collaboration, but usually for ad hoc content management.
  • Legacy CM systems are themselves are a hidden source of costs, inefficiency and risk.

In other words, we have a lot of problems to tackle still: large organizations tend to have a lot of non-integrated content management systems; smaller organizations tend to have none at all.

We finished the first morning segment with an introduction from the event sponsors at small booths around the room:

An obvious omission (to me, anyway) was IBM/FileNet — not sure why they are not here as a sponsor considering that they have a sizable local contingent.

The rest of the morning was taken up with two sets of short vendor presentations, each followed by a Q&A session moderated by John Mancini: first Epson, K2 and EMC; then KnowledgeLake, HP Autonomy, Kodak alaris and OpenText. There were audience questions about information security and risk, collaboration/case management, ECM benefits and change management, auto-classification, SharePoint proliferation, cloud storage, managing content retention and disposal, and many other topics; lots of good discussions from the panelists. I was amazed (or maybe just sadly accepting) at the number of questions dealing with paper capture and disposal; I’ve been working in scanning/workflow/ECM/BPM since the late 80’s, and apparently there are still a lot of people and processes resistant to getting rid of paper. As a small business owner, I run a paperless office, and have spent a big chunk of my career helping much larger enterprises go paperless as part of streamlining their processes, so I know that this is not only possible, but has a lot of benefits. As one of the vendors pointed out, just do something, rather than sitting frozen, surrounded by ever-increasing piles of paper.

I skipped out at lunchtime and missed the closing keynote since it was the only bit remaining after the lunch break, although it looked like a lot of the customer attendees stayed around for the closing and the prize draws afterwards, plus to spend time chatting with the vendors.

Thanks to AIIM and the sponsors for today’s seminar; the presentations were a bit too sales-y for me but some good nuggets of information. There’s still one remaining in Chicago and one in Minneapolis coming up next week if you want to sign up.

Enterprise 2.0: AIIM’s State of the Industry Study

Dan Keldsen and Carl Frappaolo of AIIM gave a quick review of the recent AIIM study on Enterprise 2.0. Their first finding: age doesn’t really matter, culture does. Finally, someone else who sees this: I’m so tired of the view from people my age who make it an age issue when really the issue is that they’re not adaptive to the Web 2.0 culture. I also liked that the study classified me as “gen X” rather than “boomer”.

Other than that, I found the talk a bit content-free, but there’s not a lot that you can do in 10 minutes.