I moved to the BPM Forum session for another rapid-fire succession of 15-minute presentations, a similar format to yesterday’s Journal First session. No detailed notes in such short presentations but I captured a few photos as things progressed. So many great research ideas!
Conversational Process Modelling: State of the Art, Applications, and Implications in Practice (Nataliia Klievtsova, Janik-Vasily Benzin, Timotheus Kampik, Juergen Mangler and Stefanie Rinderle-Ma), presented by Nataliia Klievtsova.

Large Language Models for Business Process Management: Opportunities and Challenges (Maxim Vidgof, Stefan Bachhofner and Jan Mendling), presented by Maxim Vidgof.

Towards a Theory on Process Automation Effects (Hoang Vu, Jennifer Haase, Henrik Leopold and Jan Mendling), presented by Hoang Vu.

Process Mining and the Transformation of Management Accounting: A Maturity Model for a Holistic Process Performance Measurement System, presented by Simon Wahrstoetter.

Business Process Management Maturity and Process Performance – A Longitudinal Study (Arjen Maris, Guido Ongena and Pascal Ravesteijn), presented by Arjen Maris.

From Automatic Workaround Detection to Process Improvement: A Case Study (Nesi Outmazgin, Wouter van der Waal, Iris Beerepoot, Irit Hadar, Inge van de Weerd and Pnina Soffer), presented by Pnina Soffer.

Detecting Weasels at Work: A Theory-driven Behavioural Process Mining Approach (Michael Leyer, Arthur H. M. ter Hofstede and Rehan Syed), presented by Michael Leyer.