E-learning platform The Master Channel (which inexplicably has only 8 Twitter followers after I followed them, so get over there and connect) is offering free courses, exams, certificates and downloads to anyone affected by COVID-19. That is pretty much everyone on the planet by now. You can find out more details at the link above and in a recent LinkedIn post by Jan Moons, and he writes in more detail about e-learning in the time of the current pandemic in another post.

There’s a very real possibility that a lot of people will be “on the bench” in the near future: either their work requires travel, or their company has to make tough decisions about staffing. This is a great time to consider skilling up, and The Master Channel has courses on process and decision modeling, business analysis, analytics and more. I have never taken one of their courses so can’t vouch for the quality, and I am not being compensated in any way for writing this post, but probably worth checking out what they have to offer.
Their current offer is only until April 5th, although it’s clear to most people that our period of confinement is going to last much longer than that. Get them while you can.
If you know of other e-learning companies making similar offers, please add them in the comments of this post (including a link if you have one). I know of several universities that offer free online courses for related topics although they tend to be longer and much more detailed — I had to dedicate four weeks and relearn a lot of forgotten graph theory to get through the Eindhoven University of Technology’s course in process mining, which is more than a lot of people have time (or patience) for.
Elements.cloud is a free process mapping tool and we’ve developed a business analysis training course. train.elements.cloud/ba
forgot to mention.. there are also business process maps that you can copy with operational processes for B2B, B2C, PSA, HigherEd and Nonprofit organizations.