Handbook on BPM

Just in time for next week’s BPM 2010, Springer’s International Handbook on Business Process Management is ready to ship. It includes papers by people from both academia and BPM practice, and I’m honored to join their ranks with an article on the drivers and impacts of collaborative BPM.

From my abstract:

This paper discusses the main aspects of Enterprise 2.0, how they are already impacting BPM, and how BPM is likely to evolve into a more social environment in the future. In particular, the impacts include cultural effects of collaboration during process modeling and process execution, as well as technological impacts of newer user interface models, development techniques and delivery mechanisms. In turn, these have economic impacts for both development and delivery models that become more relevant during the current economic recession.

This all started at BPM 2008 in Milan, when I met Michael Rosemann and somehow ended up agreeing to contribute a paper to this publication that he was organizing; given that he had used my blog as an example in his presentation that day, he asked me to take on the subject of Enterprise 2.0 and BPM.

I’m looking forward to seeing the finished product, and meeting up with a number of the authors next week in Hoboken, NJ.

2 thoughts on “Handbook on BPM”

  1. Hey Susan,

    This is one of two papers on collaborative BPM that I wrote (semi-)recently, the other was published in the Cutter IT Journal in February and focused purely on runtime collaboration, whereas this one includes design-time collaboration and communities of interest.

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