Gartner Day 3: Open Research Meeting

At the last BPM summit, I had to duck out before the open research meeting at the end, so I was looking forward to this panel moderated by Daryl Plummer and including a number of the Gartner analysts here this week, primarily Diane Morello, Yvonne Genovese and Michele Cantara.

The format is that they put forward three strategic planning assumptions from the list of six put forward on Monday, then open them up for discussion amongst the analysts and with the audience:

Business people will become adept more quickly at business-IT alignment than will IT professionals, causing many It professionals to be shut out of BPM leadership. This is based on the assumption that business professionals speak the language of business, risk and money, whereas the overly technical perspective of IT reduces their credibility; Gartner thinks that job opportunities for IT professionals lacking business expertise will shrink by 30%. There were completely different reactions from different members of the audience: some felt that IT people are essential because of the complexity of the projects and the culture within organizations; others are seeing business people already taking ownership of BPM leadership; and one forward-thinking person said that there’s convergence between business and IT, and it will be necessary for people to have both business experience and IT skills, not one or the other, in order to be successful (based on the reaction from the Gartner analysts to this last comment, expect to see this on their predictions by next year, with 80% probability. 🙂 )

Through 2010, SOA, SaaS, BPO, open source, business application implementation projects that don?t make process integrity an integral part of the implementation will fail. Genovese went through some slides here rather than the less structured (and more interesting) conversation on the previous prediction. Funnily, she asked for the audience opinion on one point (if you place an order online, can you easily cancel it), then disagreed with our opinion since she felt that she needed us to agree with her in order to prove a point about lack of process integrity — not a great presentation tactic. She believes that process integrity comprises interaction integrity, transaction integrity and data/information integrity, but it’s not clear what is implied by the process integrity wrapper around the other three. As the argument between she and Plummer continued about how hard or easy it was to cancel an order online, the audience started to trickle out. Including me.

By 2009, less than 10% of BPM project revenue will flow to offshore services vendors. I ended up having to leave for a meeting before the discussion on this point started, but I would have been very interested to hear the justification for this. This is, of course, a very American perspective; those of us who live in other countries and work internationally have a different definition of what “offshore” means.

That’s it for this conference, except for a few meetings with vendors that I’ll blog about separately. Although there was likely quite a bit of overlap in the session material from the BPM summit back in February, there were enough concurrent sessions that I was able to attend many that were new to me. A few people — mostly vendors — commented to me that the content was a bit lightweight from a technical standpoint, but that might be a reaction to the higher proportion of business people in attendance.

3 thoughts on “Gartner Day 3: Open Research Meeting”

  1. Thank you for your excellent coverage of this event. I was only able to attend through Tuesday morning and I was thrilled to find your commentary on the sessions I attended, and the ones I did not attend.

    Best regards,

    Robert Shields
    Director of Product Marketing, Telelogic
    949 885 2467
    [email protected]

  2. Robert, thanks for your comment. I’m at the Forrester IT Leadership forum this week, it’s an interesting comparison to Gartner’s event.

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