

In case I forget to disclose my interests every time that I mention a vendor, here’s the list of those who are currently my customers or have been so in the past year:

  • Apromore
  • ASG Technologies
  • Bizagi
  • ProcessMaker
  • Signavio
  • Software AG
  • Trisotech

As an analyst for these companies, I’m typically involved in tasks such as reviewing product direction and marketing strategy, writing white papers and research reports, creating and delivering webinars, and making presentations at their user conferences. To avoid conflict of interest with my work for end-customer organizations, where I am hired for my vendor-neutral position, I’m not involved in the sale of any vendor’s products nor am I compensated in any way for their sales. I don’t offer any sort of favoritism to those companies in my writing, they have no control over what I write here, and I’m not compensated in any way for writing about them on this blog. Obviously, they get a bit of extra coverage when I present a webinar for them or attend their user conference since I blog about those events, but my views are my own. I also go to vendor conferences where the vendors cover my travel expenses and I blog about the conference, but I don’t consider them to be my clients, so don’t mention them here explicitly. If you read on my blog about me attending a vendor conference (in-person or online), the vendor will definitely have paid my travel expenses, although not any type of fee unless I am giving a presentation at the conference. If I go to a non-vendor industry conference as an attendee/blogger but not a speaker, I will have received a free conference pass, but may have paid my own expenses. Amazon links that you see on this site — typically when I review a book and link to it — use my affiliate code and may result in me receiving a few pennies when you click on them.


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