Yesterday, I was finishing off a presentation for a talk that I’ll be giving next month about corporate performance management, including some of the analytics tools that are used to build things like executive dashboards to display the key performance indicators of a company’s operations as charts and dials. Two tools/metaphors are used a lot: dashboards and scorecards, which both do exactly as they sound. Unfortunately, in my research I found at least one vendor of these products who verbs the nouns, and refers to “dashboarding” and “scorecarding” as the activities of creating these things for a company. Blech.
I felt better after this morning’s daily dose of Savage Chickens.
Sandy – are you looking at Xcelsius ( as a tool for presenting business intel/info? I bought it for a project a year or so ago and was very surprised at how flexible and easy it was to create what some (including Xcelsius themselves) would call a “dashboard”. Very professional, easy to use, and it can make static or dynamic presentations that use “canned” or live data. Check it out if you haven’t seen it…