The Future Of BPM

I was on a panel yesterday afternoon on the future of BPM with Phil Gilbert of IBM and Derek Miers of Forrester, where we ranged across topics from BPM programs to achieving process maturity to the impact of social. No slides or recording, unfortunately, and that meant that I didn’t go to other sessions to blog about.

I’m headed home to Toronto for a couple of days, then this weekend I’m off to Vienna for the ISIS Papyrus open house and user conference. Watch for my coverage from there (Max, do we have a hash tag yet?).

7 thoughts on “The Future Of BPM”

  1. HI Sandy,
    Can you share the discussion point and conclusion made in your discussion. There was a similar topic in Gartner’s BPM Summit. It will be interesting to know .

  2. Hi Sandy, look forward to meet you here. Yes there is a hashtag #isisopenhaus.

    You can go to the Apple Appsteore and download the ISIS Papyrus Corproate App which contain the agenda in which you can set the favorites and the ability to take photos and tweet right from the app.

    Regards, Max

  3. Hi Girish, it was really more of a free-ranging discussion, I’m not sure that we reached any specific conclusion.

  4. Hi Sandy,

    just a quick note on the APP and the hashtag:

    There will be a new APP available on Sunday with a few improvements. Please update.

    More on the apps here:

    Secondly, our marketing decided that we should not mix English and German in the hashtag even so it covers both events this year, as also the Austrian event is in both languages. Thus there is a new #hashtag. Please use:


    Thanks in advance and all the best. Good travels, Max

  5. I liked the English-German mix in the hashtag, I thought it was very clever! I will use the new one nonetheless.

    I will update the app on Sunday if I have internet connectivity, otherwise I will do so at the conference, where I assume there will be wifi available.

  6. Hi Sandy,


    I actually liked the language mix too (kind of reminded me of ‘Bauhaus Architecture’). But as always marketing and sales is king …

    See you soon and yes, we have a guest wireless. Best, Max

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